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Social Media Management

Your attention span is short. Eight seconds to be precise. However, we look at our screens for hours each day. Usually scrolling through social media channels. A clear social media strategy is designed to say the right thing at the

right thing at the right time and motivate the reader to engage with your brand.It’s simply impossible to ignore it as a key component of your digital marketing strategy.

  • + Social copy
  • + Social posting
  • + Social assets
  • + Engaging content
  • + Growing reach
  • + Growing followers

Say the right thing to the right people on the platform they use the most.

Derby Social Media Agency

The number of social media users worldwide has reached 3.484 billion, rising nearly 10% year-on-year. If this trend continues, the average person is projected

to spend 6 years and 8 months of their life on social media, indicating the huge global opportunity.

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